Occhi arrossati e irritati



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Assists with wet coughs and respiratory allergic syndromes and asthma. It helps the natural functions of microcirculation; Assists with cerebral deficits (dementia, Alzheimer's, Down syndrome).

Contents: 250ml

For Ayurveda the lungs drain exceeding mucus from the main area where it is formed: the stomach. If the mucus isn’t drained properly, the secretion clogs up the airways, thus providing a positive ‘surface’ for the system of opportunistic microorganisms and inflammation.
Pinasa Virya plays an effective role in liquefying and eliminating the wet cough with mucus in a natural way, favouring drainage of the clogged up respiratory and intestinal tracts.
Pinasa Virya assists with allergic respiratory syndromes and asthma.

The product facilitates the peripheral venous circulation allowing the body to reabsorb the peripheral swelling.
Pinasa Virya helps the function of the microcirculation improving the natural blood supply of the brain, and is supportive of cerebral deficits (dementia, Alzheimer's, Down syndrome).

How to use: 1 scoop (10 ml), after meals with warm water, 2 times or more a day, for adults and children. 

Ingredients and guidelines of maximum daily amounts (GDA) - 2 scoops:

70% bitter herbs. Elecampane (Inula helenium L.), root 0,88g; Curry Plant (Helichrysum italicum Don.), top 0,88g; Indian Laburnum (Cassia fistula L.), fruits 0,88g; Wild thyme (Thymus serpillum Lsl,) top 0,88g; Cowslip (Primula veris L.,) root 0,88g; Juniper (Juniperus communis L.), fruits 0,88g; White Horehound (Marrubium vulgare L)., grass with flowers 0,88g; Lavender (Lavandula officinalis Chaix (var.)), flowers 0,88g; Aniseed (Pimpinella anisum L.), fruits 0,88g; Hissop (Hyssopus officinalis L.), top 0,88g; Common Milkwort (Poligala vulgaris L. S.L.), root 0,88g; Cardamom (Elettaria cardamomum White et Mason), seeds 0,88g; Long pepper (Piper longum L)., fruits 0,88g; Cinnamon (Cinnamomum zeylanicum Blume.), cortex 0,88g; Ginger (Zingiber officinalis Rosc.), Rhizome 0,88g; Cloves (Eugenia caryophyllataThumb.), flowers 0,80g; water, aromas. Colouring: plain caramel.

Helps to prevent aging and assists the tonicity of the tissues. Antioxidant. Useful in detoxifying the body. 

Contents: 100 g in powder

Triphala, which name means "three fruits", is one of the most popular remedies of Ayurveda. Its rebalancing action is ideal to prevent aging and to tone up all the tissues.

Triphala is considered an excellent remedy in the most various situations: it facilitates detoxification of the body, digestion, assimilation, and the circulation and eliminates the states of swelling and mucus. Triphala favours a balanced evacuation, supports the liver functions and the immune function. The product helps to maintain mental clarity.
The powder, used also for local application apart from internal use, is particularly useful for eye problems and visual disorders.

How to use: Pour 2 teaspoons of powder in a glass of water and let stand overnight or for a day before drinking or taking eyebaths.

Ingredients and guidelines of maximum daily amounts (GDA): - 2 teaspoons:

Indian Gooseberry (Phyllanthus emblica L.), fruit 3330mg; Yellow Myrobalan (Terminalia chebula Retz.),, fruit 3330mg; Beleric (Terminalia belerica Roxb.), fruit 3330 mg. 

Helps to balance the metabolism of sugars.
Antioxidant. Assists the anti-inflammatory action in the body.
Helps hair growth.

Contents: 30g in tablets of 250 mg 

Incorrect lifestyles, pollution, anxiety and frenzy for excessive commitments to be undertaken, cause a premature aging of the tissues in our body.
The positive effects of Rikhiya manifest themselves at all levels of physiology. The ingredient of the product is ‘Phyllanthus emblica’, a well-known plant used in the Ayurvedic tradition which fruits are pitted fresh and dried in the sun. As stated by the ancient texts, it acts as a "Rasayana", as a rejuvenation of the tissues. It is recognized to have an antioxidant and a vitamin-C-like effect, that, together with tannins, restores the optimal metabolism. It also has a nourishing effect on the tissues, particularly if there is an excess of ‘heat’, helping to maintain the tonicity and elasticity of the body. It acts on the immune system by regulating the action of response to the internal metabolic ‘waste’ and the external intoxicating and polluting substances.

It helps hair growth and favours the duration of the natural hair colour, in addition to making the hair more voluminous, shiny and soft.

How to use: 1 tablet 2 times a day, before meals

Ingredients and guidelines of maximum daily amounts (GDA) – 2 tablets:

Indian gooseberry (Phyllanthus emblica L.), fruit 480 mg anti-binding agents: silicon dioxide, magnesium stearate. 

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