Kailas Jeevan
Kailas Jeevani è una crema ayurvedica a base di erbe
Kailas Jeevan è una crema ayurvedica la cui formula è molto antica. E' una crema a base acquosa altamente eudermica e rinfrescante, combatte le rughe e la disidratazione della pelle. E' un prodotto completamente naturale, non contiene additivi, coloranti e conservanti
Impiego: applicare e spalmarla nelle zone interessate e attendere che venga assorbita.
Specific References
We recommend
Clarified butter with herbs. Helps to purify the skin and the subcutaneous tissue. Assists in acne, grazes and wounds, fungal infections, eczema, psoriasis, (sun)burns, insect bites, bed sores, mouth ulcers, haemorrhoids, vaginitis, prostatitis, the lipomas. Pitta ghrta. Contents: 50 ml
Refreshing powder for warm, delicate and sensitive skins. Assists in eczema, psoriasis, acne and fungal infections. It helps to take away the itch. Pitta (Fire) Powder Contents: 400g powder of medicinal plants.
Pure Coconut oil, with no added fragrances. Narikela is specific for the hair and scalp. It helps to prevent hair loss by detoxifying the scalp and helps to maintain the natural colour. It has a refreshing action on the head and body. Narikela is effective as after sun. Contents: 200 ml