Il Potere della Pelle Salutare

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A totally natural oil for face and body, with no added essential oils. Jitaphala is purified, deacidified and deodorised olive oil. The oil helps to keep the skin supple, to prevent aging and the formation of wrinkles, smoothing out existing ones. Jitaphala is eudermic, making the skin more supple, nutritious and rich in antioxidants.

Contents: 200 ml 

Olive oil is an ancient Mediterranean treasure, known for 3500 years for its numerous properties and ideal for oiling the body and face. Thanks to the fatty acids, vitamins and minerals it contains, it is particularly suitable to make the skin soft, supple and radiant. Rich in natural antioxidants it effectively counteracts the aging process. It's very good for soothing and preventing dry skin, irritation, cracking or flaking.

Jitphala is a good anti-aging oil for the elderly. It protects the delicate skin of children.

How to use:

Apply daily over the whole body and face.


Olivarum oleum (purified olive oil) 

A totally natural oil for face and body, with no added essential oils. Ashu Forte has a warming and invigorating effect on the tissues. The oil helps to reduce the imperfections of cellulite. Ashu forte is very good for sportsmen and sportswomen and helps against arthritis and fluid retention. It helps to prevent the wearing of cartilage. Kapha Oil Strong 

Contents: 100 ml 

Ashu Forte is warming and invigorating in order to balance the Kapha Dosha (Water) and lighten the body and mind. It helps to loosen mucus, to fluidify water retention and to open up the channels of circulation. Applied before the sauna or a hot bath Ashu Forte stimulates sweating and facilitates the purification of the blood, helping to rebuild and renew the natural layers of the skin. It acts on the imperfections of cellulites.

How to use:

Apply locally and massage, even before a hot bath, a foot bath and hand bath, or before the sauna. 


Purified olive oil, althaea officinalis, Cinnamomum zeylanicum, cochleria armoracia, coriandrum sativum, Eugenia cariophyllata, Sisymbrium officinalis, Eucalyptus globulus, apium graveolens, Juniperus communis, thymus serpillum, Pinus silvestris, Verbascum thapsus, pulmonaria officinalis, mantle vulgaris, ocimum basilicum , origanum vulgare, origanum majorana, piper nigrum, piper longum.

Pure Coconut oil, with no added fragrances.  Narikela is specific for the hair and scalp. It helps to prevent hair loss by detoxifying the scalp and helps to maintain the natural colour. It has a refreshing action on the head and body. Narikela is effective as after sun.

Contents: 200 ml 

Nutritious and refreshing, Narikela is particularly suitable for the application on the head, scalp and face and, in summer, on the whole body. The oil protects the hair from the salt sea water and the chlorine in swimming pools.

Narikela nourishes all the layers of the skin, reducing and dispersing excess heat. The oil is especially protective for the hair as it nourishes them from the root to the stem. The tradition recommends daily use to preserve its health and beauty. It is also great in the event of hair loss, dry hair, white hair, alopecia areata condition. The oil assists in the treatment of sun rash.

How to use:

Apply a light coat rubbing it into the hair


Coconut oil (cocos nucifera) 

Il Potere della Pelle Salutare

€69.00 €60.72